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Excellent post Nick: I've seen a lot of users grapple with how to capture events in map form, and you've provided a well thoughtout template to work from.

Eric Blue


Thanks for posting the template. This is an interesting approach.

Stew Stryker

I like this different perspective and will try it out first thing. Thanks Nick!


Nick - is there a link to an actual MindManager map, or just a graphic?

Or is this template included with one of your products?

Nick Duffill

There isn't a downloadable map template for this, as the idea can be used in any mapping software, not only MindManager.

ghassan azmouz

Hi, I'm new in using the mind maps
but i've read your notes and it is increasing my knowladge.
thanks a lot for you

Project Management Templates

quite insprative works~ like them~

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