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Thanks very much for this post and template. I really like the idea of the donut with level 1 for executive, 2 for middle management and level 3 for the staff on the ground. Next time I have the opportunity I'll give this a go :)

Edwin -- MindVisualizer -- Mind Mapping Software

Wow, you can always develop the new ideas about how to use mind mapping effectively, good practices!


Though you don't blog often, you blog effectively. There isn't a post on this site yet that I haven't gleaned some personal improvement.



Dear Nick,

Interesting blog there. My team here has actually developed a collaborative web-based mind mapping tool called comapping.com. Our users have found so so many diverse appliacations for mind mapping from event planning to strategic workshops. People just have to give it a try.



Dear Nick,
Great blog I'd like to think the approach I've adopted - Hodges model is also 'beyond mind mapping' and have posted to this effect on the blog; which you may find of interest? If so could we please swap blog links?

You and your many readers may find the visualization and diagram listing at:


- of interest.

Best wishes
Peter, Preston, UK

Peter Taylor

Hi Nick,

Interesting blog in effective presentations. This looks like an alternative to the "beyond the bullets" book by Cliff Atkinson (see http://www.beyondbullets.com/)

I have a question for you as I am having trouble understanding your concept regarding statements instead of headings as I use topics to say the main points.

Can you generate some fictional examples (such as selling lemonade or how to cut grass) so I can grasps what you meant from your guideline.

Thank you

nicolas stampf

Hello Nick.
Interesting idea. I'll give a try next time I'll use MM in presentations.

That reminds me of the TWI way of teaching stuff to people: first you show, then show and explain what it is, then show and explain how you do, then show and explain why you need to do. (then the method goes on to have the learner do, then do and explain what it does, etc.)

"repetition fixes notions"

True Religion Outlet

Thanks very much for this post and template. I really like the idea of the donut with level 1 for executive, 2 for middle management and level 3 for the staff on the ground. Next time I have the opportunity I'll give this a go :)

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